It’s July GoodnessMe Box review time! The July box was sleep themed which is something I always appreciate. I’m not a fantastic sleeper at the best of times, and with everything going on in Melbourne at the moment it’s gotten worse than usual, so anything that might help is ok by me. Let’s see what was inside the July GoodnessMe Box shall we!
Ayam Coconut Milk
I use a lot of coconut milk in my curry making and Ayam has been my go-to brand for a while now. So I was very happy to see this in the July GoodnessMe Box! It went straight into a curry recipe and as always made the dish creamy and delicious. A definite favourite of mine.
Tepe Toothbrush
I normally choose a bamboo toothbrush so I was intrigued to see this toothbrush brand in the box. It’s made from bioplastic so an excellent sustainable option, and I’m currently testing it out for its durability, but so far so good! Whilst a toothbrush might not be the most exciting item, it sure is useful!
Grants Toothpaste
Toothpaste is also not the world’s most exciting item, however it’s another oh-so-useful one. Grant’s is my regular toothpaste choice, and this is my favourite flavour so whilst not a new find for me in this month’s box it definitely will get happily used! Minty fresh, preservative and SLS free and works well – that’s all I ask from my toothpaste!
Eloments Tea
I’m trying to drink a lot more tea while I’m working from home – both to keep me warm and mix things up a little. I’m a big fan of a classic black tea and this breakfast tea ticks all the boxes for me. I particularly love that they use plastic-free teabags and source the tea from fairtrade farmers. The blend of ingredients that means I am also getting a hit of B vitamins at the same time doesn’t hurt either!
Bonsoy Almond Milk
I use mostly oat milk at home these days, but almond milk is my other favourite option. For the most part it only goes in my oats for breakfast, and any baking I do, as I drink both my tea and coffee black. Therefore I haven’t tested how well this almond milk might froth or anything along those lines, but for what I needed it for it worked perfectly. Creamy, nutty and tasty!
Raw Medicine Magnesium
I have been using magnesium oil and cream to help with post-exercise muscle soreness and to help me sleep, so I was interested to see this magnesium powder in the July GoodnessMe Box as well. One serving isn’t enough to properly know how well it worked, but it was a pretty tasty berry flavour and certainly didn’t hurt my sleeping ability either!
Proper Crisps
Anything potato related is my weakness. I don’t have a much of a sweet tooth – I could easily go weeks without chocolate or the like, but pop some potatoes near me and they won’t stick around long. I have tried this brand of chips before and enjoyed them just as much this time around! So crunchy and so delicious. They didn’t need any additional flavouring either, they were perfect with just some salt. It’s probably lucky it was a snack-sized bag because they disappeared quickly!
Kitz Living Foods Bar
I have tried a few different Kitz products in previous boxes and enjoyed them all. This time was no exception – these bars are delicious. An excellent size, a little crumbly but super tasty flavour which is really the key metric. This coconut caramel flavour was one of my favourites – sweet, slightly salty and all around tasty!
Phytality Nutrition Ultana Phytoplankton
I was super intrigued to see this product in the July GoodnessMe Box. As someone who doesn’t eat fish, Omega-3 can be a hard one to get in my diet. This was a super easy way to get these nutrients in – I just mixed it in to a smoothie! I am definitely keen to try this one again.
Epzen Magnesium Bath Crystals
I don’t have a bath, however I used these to create myself a foot soak and it worked just as well that way! I’ve been doing a lot of walking during lockdown, so my poor feet need all the soothing they can get. This was such a nice way to pamper myself, and I was left feeling relaxed and ready for bed. I have a feeling I’ll get through this bag over the next period of lockdown pretty easily!