If you’re part of the I Spy Plum Pie facebook or instagram family then you might have seen some of the quotes I like to share (and if you’re not, now is a great time to join the fun!).
I like to share quotes about both food and sustainability (my two passions!) as I think it’s important to keep some of these ideas front of mind, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites here today too! I’ve been having a bit more of a play on pinterest lately too, so if you’re looking for some more of my favourite quotes hop on over there too!
Whilst they cross over the two topics, I think there’s lots of similarities in the message behind them both, and that’s one of simplicity. The simpler our lives are from a sustainability sense the less of the world’s resources we will need and the more connected we will feel to those around us. So here goes, some of my favourite simple living quotes.
The same goes for our food, and it’s definitely how I go about my cooking. The food I share here (and obviously eat at home!) isn’t fancy, doesn’t take hours to prepare or hundreds of ingredients, it’s just simple, delicious, seasonal food. It definitely can rot!
This next quote is something I come back to all the time, it really reminds me that we all have to play a part in making change happen. Even the smallest choices can make a huge difference overall, and the more people doing them the better!
This next quote is one I think is important to come back to when I get caught up in wanting more things for my house or myself as it reminds me that whilst items and gadgets might be fun, unless they are sustainably produced then they are doing a lot more harm than any satisfaction they might bring me in the short term.
Julia Child had lots of amazing insights into food and I really agree with her view on it all, and this quote is one of my favourites. I definitely approach my cooking with a lets-see-what-happens approach, as at the end of the day the worst case scenario is that it’s not very tasty (well, at least as a vegetarian where food poisoning from seafood and chicken isn’t a concern!).
Last but definitely not least, here’s a quote from A.A Milne that proves he’s a man after my own heart. Potatoes, yes please!
Do you have a favourite quotes (or quotes!) that you come back to time and time again?
Tahlia Meredith
October 15, 2014 at 9:42 am (10 years ago)Great quotes Liz! I think the first is my favourite, but the Thoreau one really made me pause. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Tahlia Meredith recently posted…Where to find your posse (and why it’s so important!)
I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
October 15, 2014 at 9:48 am (10 years ago)Thanks lovely! I had that Thoreau one up on my desk for ages while I was writing a sustainability policy, helped keep me on track, that’s for sure! xx