Posts Tagged ‘chilli’

Recipe: Pumpkin & Chilli Israeli Couscous

I went through a phase a while ago when I was using Israeli (or pearl as it’s also known) couscous all the time, then all of a sudden I just stopped buying it for no particular reason. Over the last few weeks I have seen a lot of recipes pop up on blogs I follow, so decided it was about time I restocked the cupboard and reignited my love for Israeli couscous. If you haven’t used it before it’s a much larger grain than standard couscous and puffs up in size when cooked, but it’s just as quick and easy to prepare as standard couscous. I just find it tastier!


Recipe: Sweet Potato, Carrot & Chilli Soup

This recipe was inspired by the recipe Erica from Addicted to Handmade shared on her blog a little while back. I didn’t have the same ingredients that she did, but it was a great launching off point for a delicious soup! I’m loving finally owning a food processor as up until this point my soup making has been limited to chunky minestrone soups, and while I still will be making large batches of that over the winter as it’s always been a favourite, I can’t wait to try out all kinds of other flavour combinations as well!


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