June has arrived which means winter is no longer coming, it’s right here! It’s been a slight struggle for me to reacclimatise after 10 days of tropical warmth and sunshine, but I’m now well in the habit of rugging up and embracing whatever sunshine comes my way! (more…)
Life Lately
It’s been an up and down last week for me, but luckily the countdown is now officially on until B and I head off on a little tropical holiday to Vanuatu, so at least I’ve been keeping busy with preparations for that – which is lots of fun! (more…)
April Challenges: Week 2 & 3
Due to the recent technical difficulties, my April Challenges update of Week 2 & 3 have had to be merged into one! I’ve really enjoyed getting on board with both the Photo A Day and Style Dare challenges – I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner! I’ll definitely be playing along for the rest of the year – and it’s never too late to join the fun!
April Challenges
Somehow April appears to have turned into a ‘challenges’ month for me – albeit of the fun kind! I finally decided to participate in both Fat Mum Slim’s Photo a Day Challenge, and Fox in Flats Style Dare a Day Challenge, as well as the Simple Green Smoothie‘s 30 Day Challenge (kind-of!).
Flying through March
We seem to be rocketed towards the end of March (and consequently my 26th birthday, eek!) but I’m hoping the weeks will start to calm down a little for me, as they have finally wrapped up filming at my house (although we’ve heard that before!) so I can regain some kind of control over my weeks, which I’m definitely looking forward to! (more…)