We seem to be rocketed towards the end of March (and consequently my 26th birthday, eek!) but I’m hoping the weeks will start to calm down a little for me, as they have finally wrapped up filming at my house (although we’ve heard that before!) so I can regain some kind of control over my weeks, which I’m definitely looking forward to! (more…)
2 Weeks in Snapshots
The last two weeks on I Spy Plum Pie have flown by, so here are some of my favourite moments as seen on instagram. If you’re not already following me on instagram, come join the fun here
Another week flies by
I don’t know about anyone else but I feel like this year is flying by. I can’t quite believe it’s already March – which is exciting in some ways as it’s both my birthday month and is also means Golden Plains festival is here again, but it’s also slightly frightening!
The week that was
It’s been another flat out week at work, and with the disruption of Offspring filming in our house again I’ve felt a little all over the shop. However I still managed to fit in some relaxing down time, catchups with friends and some delicious food, so it’s definitely not all bad!
My week according to Instagram
I’m a very late arrival on the Instagram bandwagon, which is surprising for me given how much I loooove taking photos. Now that I have finally taken the leap I thought I would share some of the moments that I deemed photo-worthy from the last week in the world of I Spy Plum Pie.