Balcony Gardening Update: December

It’s been a little while since my last Balcony Gardening post so I thought I’d round out the year with a little update on how things are growing. I still wouldn’t say I possess a green thumb (far from it in fact!) but I’ve definitely managed to have a few successes along the way!

Some of my herbs continue to go gangbusters, so much so that I’ve had to get creative with ways to use them! Lots of my rosemary ended up in the salt scrub I made and I dried out a whole bunch of oregano which I crushed and popped in a jar for my mum. There’s still plenty of both growing as well!

My basil, mint and coriander are also proving pretty tough, I’m using them constantly but there always seems to be more there! My mint is growing out in a very odd shape though, but if that’s my only complaint then I think I’m doing alright! I can’t seem to make enough rice paper rolls or the like to use all the Vietnamese mint that is growing, but I’m sure that will be rectified over the summer when all I feel like is fresh, light meals!

Balcony Gardening Update: December

I have two chilli plants in my freestanding planter, both of which have just started to fruit recently. I have no idea how spicy they are going to be, so I should probably pick one soon and find out!

Balcony Gardening Update: December

And then there’s my tomatoes. The cherry tomato plant is in a pot and it has been fruiting prolifically – every few days there’s another handful of sweet, juicy yellow tomatoes ready for me to eat which is pretty amazing. My other two tomatoes are trying hard but were savaged by caterpillars (seriously, how do they get three storeys up!) so they’re a little sad to look at. They are putting on some new growth though, and the roma tomato plant has just produced its first ripe fruit, so that’s exciting! Fingers crossed the other one does too!

Balcony Gardening Update: December

Balcony Gardening Update: December

Speaking of caterpillars, they’ve gone to town on a few of my plants in recent weeks. My poor chilli plants have so many holes in their leaves, it’s quite a sad sight! They were ravaged by aphids earlier on in the month but I seem to have got them under control for now, but we shall see. I also have two capsicum plants which have juuust started to make a comeback after the attack of the aphid monsters (the less fun version of the dance of the sugarplum fairies), they’ve started flowering again so I shall be keeping a close eye on them to hopefully make sure they come out the winners this time around! This gardening thing is hard work!

And that’s it! My little balcony gardening update for December! Hopefully January brings me lots more tomatoes and a lot less bugs!

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4 Comments on Balcony Gardening Update: December

  1. merilyn
    December 27, 2014 at 7:15 am (10 years ago)

    looking good liz!
    better than my attempt this year!
    where the snails devoured 15 tiny basil plants … none left!
    I saved my capsicum but not looking great!
    I’ve got some strawberries with a net over them;0 but just remembered my lettuces which I forgot to cover last night!
    I think the snails are getting mine! (don’t like snail bait!)must see natural deterrent!
    we use natural pigeon and cow poo manure diluted in a large drum! seasol is good!
    have a lovely restful break! love m:)X

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      December 30, 2014 at 10:29 am (10 years ago)

      Thankfully I don’t have to deal with snails being 3 storeys up, but I think crushed eggshells can help, apparently they’re too spikey for the snails to climb over! Might be worth trying!

  2. Sonia Life Love Hiccups
    December 29, 2014 at 8:49 pm (10 years ago)

    You garden is going gung ho Liz. I think I need you to come and sort mine out… or at least help me get it started. Happy New Year to you chick xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…We’ve Been Outed… AGAIN

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      December 30, 2014 at 10:30 am (10 years ago)

      Thanks lovely, it’s not much but I’m trying to keep it alive! Happy New Year to you too xx


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