Archive of ‘Lifestyle & Productivity’ category

Reading Challenges I am Setting Myself in 2021 | I Spy Plum Pie

Reading Challenges I Am Setting Myself For 2021

One of the things I want to take with me from 2020 is how much reading I did. Getting back in to the regular habit of reading before bed every night was such a positive for me, so I’m making a commitment to keeping it up in 2021 too. However, I also want to go further than that and focus on making sure I am reading a diverse range of stories from a broader range of authors. So, here are some of the reading challenges I am setting myself for 2021!


Tips to Support Small Business This Christmas | I Spy Plum Pie

Tips to Support Small Business This Christmas

It’s always important to support small business, but this year it is more vital than ever. Whilst Christmas is likely to look a little different than usual, there are lots of ways we can all help make it as positive as possible for our local communities. These are my top tips to support small business this Christmas, and I’d love to hear yours too!


Tips to Make Your Smoothies More Filling | I Spy Plum Pie

Tips To Make Your Smoothies More Filling

When the weather gets warmer I find myself gravitating back to smoothies for breakfast. What I don’t want though is to find myself super hungry only a few hours later. I have tried lots of ways to make my smoothies more filling, and here are my favourites! I’d love to hear your suggestions too!


Small Silver Linings of Lockdown | I Spy Plum Pie

Small Silver Linings of Lockdown

It’s no secret that things haven’t been all that easy here in Melbourne for a number of months now. Whilst I have definitely had some rough patches along the way, over the last little while I have been trying to focus on some of the things I am seeing as silver linings of lockdown. Most of them are very small, but each of them has been helpful to keeping my spirits up. I’d love to hear about any of your silver linings of lockdown too!


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