It’s time for the next instalment of my Lockdown Eating series! This time is all about the Polly’s Box I bought from Polly’s at the Tote in Collingwood. The box changes every week and is full of vegan friendly food for two, complete with matching booze!
Small Silver Linings of Lockdown
It’s no secret that things haven’t been all that easy here in Melbourne for a number of months now. Whilst I have definitely had some rough patches along the way, over the last little while I have been trying to focus on some of the things I am seeing as silver linings of lockdown. Most of them are very small, but each of them has been helpful to keeping my spirits up. I’d love to hear about any of your silver linings of lockdown too!
What I’m Reading In Quarantine
I shared the other week about how I am reading more (but only physical books!) while spending so much time at home. I have, however, been pretty selective about the kinds of books I have been reading. Today I thought I would share what I have been reading in quarantine – I am open to suggestions too!