Posts Tagged ‘reduce waste’

How To Prepare for Plastic Bag Free Shopping | I Spy Plum Pie

How To Prepare For Plastic Bag Free Shopping

Here in Victoria the two major supermarkets and a number of other major stores are finally going plastic bag free. It’s an excellent change, but one that might be a tad challenging for some people. Never fear, I’m here to help with some tips to help you prepare for plastic bag free shopping!


Easy Ways to Reduce Paper In The Kitchen | I Spy Plum Pie

Easy Ways To Reduce Paper In The Kitchen

As part of my journey to create less waste I’ve been trying to reduce paper in the kitchen as well. We focus a lot about reducing plastic because it causes the most damage to the environment but cutting down on paper is definitely useful as well. Thankfully there’s some easy small changes you can try. I’d love to hear your suggestions too!


Why Recycling Isn't Enough | I Spy Plum Pie

Why Recycling Isn’t Enough

Recycling is no doubt an important element of sustainable living, but recycling isn’t enough on its own. Today I want to explore why that is, and what we can do about it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well!


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