Posts Tagged ‘storage’

Tips for Buying and Storing Produce Without Plastic | I Spy Plum Pie

Tips for Buying and Storing Produce Without Plastic

This Plastic Free July I’m here to help with my top tips for buying and storing produce without plastic. All it takes is a few small changes and you’ll reduce your weekly waste significantly. Plus, your fruit and veggies will still stay perfectly fresh! As always, I’d love to hear your tips as well!


How To: Storing Fruit & Vegetables

Recently when I wrote about compost options for apartments I mentioned the statistic that 40% of the average Australian bin is made up of food scraps and whilst composting them is better than throwing them away, what would be even better is to avoid as much of the food waste as possible! So, today I wanted to share some hints and tips for storing common fruits and vegetables to lengthen their life, as there is nothing worse than going to the fridge and finding that your produce has gone limp, or even worse, black and gooey. That’s no fun for anyone!


How To: Roasted and Marinated Vegetables

I forgot to cancel my veggie box before I went to Queensland so found myself with a fridge full of amazing organic vegetables and not much time to eat them all. I didn’t want any to go to waste so cooked up and froze what I could and then decided that I would roast and marinate the zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes to store in the fridge until I got back. It worked really well and I have been using them in simple pasta dishes, in sandwiches and as part of a cheese platter since. Such a great way to prolong the life of your vegetables!
