It’s no secret that things haven’t been all that easy here in Melbourne for a number of months now. Whilst I have definitely had some rough patches along the way, over the last little while I have been trying to focus on some of the things I am seeing as silver linings of lockdown. Most of them are very small, but each of them has been helpful to keeping my spirits up. I’d love to hear about any of your silver linings of lockdown too!
April Favourite Finds 2020
It’s April Favourite Finds time, but it’s definitely not been the easiest month for everyone. As I’m sure has been the case for all of you, it’s really been a month of staying home, keeping myself busy and getting used to this new normal. However, I’m trying to focus on the positives. Highlighting products or foods I have found this month is what my Favourite Finds series is all about, and now more than ever we need to support local businesses. So, here are my April Favourite Finds!
Review: Menulog Online Food Delivery & Giveaway
I received a voucher to try out Menulog
Growing up we weren’t really a takeaway kind of family, quite possibly because back then the options were somewhat limited! Whilst I still don’t eat it regularly it definitely is required from time to time, so when I was offered the chance to review Menulog I couldn’t turn it down, especially when it meant I could do a giveaway to my lovely readers at the same time!