Back in the middle of May I hopped over the ditch back to New Zealand for my Nana’s 80th birthday and managed to fit in a little exploring time in Christchurch as well! I thought I’d just share some of my weekend adventures with you all today!
Weekend Adventures: Eating My Way Around Sydney
As you may have noticed if you follow I Spy Plum Pie on facebook or instagram I spent a long weekend up in Sydney visiting my sister for her birthday. It was a weekend filled with eating, a few drinks and thankfully a whole lot of walking to balance out the eating!
Weekend Adventures: Daylesford
Last weekend B and I headed to Daylesford, about 90 minutes from Melbourne, to belatedly celebrate our anniversary. We headed out of town around lunchtime on the Friday and were stupendously lucky with the weather, it was blue skies and sunshine the whole three days!