Tips To Get Back into Reading

I’ve talked a lot over the last twelve months about how glad I am I re-found my reading groove. Even so, it’s fluctuated up and down over that time (and definitely before then!) so today I thought I would share some tips to get back into reading. If you were like me and used to be a huge reader, stopped for a while, then found your way back to it I would love to hear your tips as well!

Tips To Get Back into Reading | I Spy Plum Pie

Start with a page turner

If you are trying to get back into reading don’t start with something long and dense, it will just be too overwhelming. Instead, find yourself a page turner that suits your interests and will help you get lost in the story. It could be a thriller, a ‘literary page turner’, or even a young adult novel – anything that helps you just get stuck in. If you like true-spy stories I can definitely recommend something like The Spy and The Traitor – I read it in no time at all!

Set aside time to get stuck in

Another great way to kick-start your return to reading is to make sure you set aside enough time to read at least the first couple of chapters of the book in one go. That way, you’ll be enough in to the story to get yourself hooked and you’ll want to come back for more ASAP. If you have picked yourself a page turner you may well find you can’t stop after a couple of chapters either!

Make it part of your eventing routine

One of the best ways I got back into reading was making it a non-negotiable part of my evening routine. I was trying to reduce my evening screen time, so at least 30 minutes of reading before I went to sleep became part of my routine. It was easy last year when I wasn’t able to do anything else in the evenings anyway, but it’s stayed an important part of my day even now I can do things like go out for dinner! It’s been great for both my sleep and how much I am reading, so it’s a win-win. 

Reading Challenge Check In - March 2021 | I Spy Plum Pie

Set yourself a reading challenge

Once I built up a habit of reading again, I wanted to keep up the momentum so set myself a reading challenge for the year. It’s helping me seek out new things to read which means I always have a list of things I want to read next – meaning I can quickly pick something that suits whatever mood I am in next. The challenge doesn’t have to be about reaching a number of books either – quality over quantity is definitely acceptable.

Find people to follow for inspiration

A great way I found to get back into reading was finding people online who shared their thoughts on books and follow them! That way my Instagram and Twitters feeds are now filled with people sharing what they are reading, which helps motivate me to keep reading too. It’s been a great way to hear about excellent new books, hear about new authors and even just see pretty book covers.

Don’t push through books you aren’t enjoying

For some reason there seems to be a sense that once we start a book we have to finish it, no matter what. I definitely don’t agree, especially if you’re just getting back in to regular reading. Sometimes a book just isn’t for you, or it isn’t the right book for what you need at the time. If you aren’t enjoying the book then it’s super easy to find other things to do with your time, and before you know it you’re not really reading much anymore again. Put down the book, pick up something else, and there’s no reason you can’t come back to the first book down the track either.

Carry a book around with you

Last but not least, carry a book around with you! That way, if you find yourself with some time to spare while out and about – on the train, waiting for a friends, sitting in a waiting room – you can whip out your book and keep reading. We usually spend that time scrolling on our phones, so why not read instead. You could even get an audiobook for when you’re out and about too!

September Favourite Finds 2020 | I Spy Plum Pie

Do you have any tips to get back into reading?

2 Comments on Tips To Get Back into Reading

  1. jacquie
    July 7, 2021 at 10:39 am (3 years ago)

    one thing that helps me to be on the lookout for recommendations from other readers. So in view of that – do you have any recommendations for good books? Thanks.

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      July 7, 2021 at 5:51 pm (3 years ago)

      I did a post a little while back on some of my favourite reads of the year so far – Daisy Jones & The Six was one of the absolute highlights! I’ll aim to do another round-up post soon too!


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