Archive of ‘Lifestyle & Productivity’ category

5 Key Benefits to Simple Living

In the last few years I have been working to simplify my life and along the way have noticed some pretty clear benefits to simple living which I wanted to share with you all today. The simple living journey is different for everyone, so I’d love to hear about any benefits you might have discovered along the way as well!


6 True Crime Podcasts I’m Loving Right Now

If you’re on my email list you’ll know that I’ve been bingeing (and loving) true crime podcasts of late (and if you’re not, maybe now is a good time to get on board!), so today I thought I would share some of my favourites with you all. I’d love to hear any of your recommendations too – I don’t know how many more podcasts I can possibly find time to listen to, but I’ll give it a try!


7 Ways to Get Outside During Winter

It’s been an especially cold winter here in Melbourne so it’s tempting to spend all our free time rugged up on the couch, but getting fresh air is so important even when that air is decidedly cold! These are some of my favourite ways to get outside during winter, and I’d love to hear yours too!


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