Archive of ‘Sustainable Living’ category

Why Recycling Isn't Enough | I Spy Plum Pie

Why Recycling Isn’t Enough

Recycling is no doubt an important element of sustainable living, but recycling isn’t enough on its own. Today I want to explore why that is, and what we can do about it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well!


Why You Can’t Fail At Reducing Waste

Plastic Free July is almost over and even if you didn’t meet your initial aims you can’t actually fail at reducing waste. Even if you only lasted a few days, or found yourself with a takeaway cup or five along the way, there are so many reasons why you didn’t fail.


Tips for Buying and Storing Produce Without Plastic | I Spy Plum Pie

Tips for Buying and Storing Produce Without Plastic

This Plastic Free July I’m here to help with my top tips for buying and storing produce without plastic. All it takes is a few small changes and you’ll reduce your weekly waste significantly. Plus, your fruit and veggies will still stay perfectly fresh! As always, I’d love to hear your tips as well!


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