Posts Tagged ‘candles’

July Favourite Finds 2021 | I Spy Plum Pie

July Favourite Finds 2021

It’s July Favourite Finds time and what a month it has been. From cancelled trips to Sydney and another Melbourne lockdown to trips to distilleries and everything in between! This month’s favourite finds are very reflective of the month that was – and the things I needed! I’d love to hear about your July favourite finds too!


May Favourite Finds - I Spy Plum Pie

May Favourite Finds 2018

I know we say this all the time, but how on earth is it the end of May already?! It was a pretty good month all round, with lots on at work but plenty of play as well! My May Favourite Finds are reflective of this with a mix of home cooking, markets and an amazing event as part of Good Beer Week. I’d love to hear your May Favourite Finds as well!
