A little while back I shared a photo on instagram of what I do with leftover coffee and it got such a big reaction! So today I thought I’d share some ways I reduce food waste with an ice cube tray. I’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions too!

A little while back I shared a photo on instagram of what I do with leftover coffee and it got such a big reaction! So today I thought I’d share some ways I reduce food waste with an ice cube tray. I’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions too!
I was looking for ideas to take to a vegan potluck recently when I stumbled across this vegan potato salad and knew I had to make it. The sauce looked so creamy it was hard to believe it was vegan, and it was even more delicious than I had even hoped. Seriously, I’m now putting this sauce on everything – veggies, pasta, you name it!
With the warm weather behind us I thought it was time to pull out the summer produce and create an autumn balcony garden instead! I spent a few hours out on my balcony recently saying goodbye to the tomatoes and capsicums from summer and getting my hands dirty planting new things instead! I’d love to know what you’re growing at the moment too!
It’s Spice Guide time again and this month I’m focussing on caraway seeds! How to use them, where they come from, what to pair them with and more! I’d love to hear about how you use them in your kitchen, and if you don’t already maybe this will help!
For this month’s Spice Guide series I’m focussing my attention on the ol’ bay leaf – its history, flavour profile and how to use it. It’s useful for more than just soups, I promise! I’d love to hear about how you use bay leaf in your kitchen as well!