Plastic Free July is almost over and even if you didn’t meet your initial aims you can’t actually fail at reducing waste. Even if you only lasted a few days, or found yourself with a takeaway cup or five along the way, there are so many reasons why you didn’t fail.
A Few Simple Questions That Can Reduce Your Waste Significantly
As we head to the back-end of Plastic Free July I wanted to share some simple questions that can reduce your waste. It may be surprisingly just how significant a difference this change can be given it’s oh-so-simple, but sometimes the best things are! I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
Tips for Remembering Your Reusable Bags
If you’re taking part in Plastic Free July this year then you’ll probably be already thinking about reusable bags. The biggest question I get is about remembering your reusable bags, so today I’m here to help with some tips. I’d love to hear what works for you as well!
What I’m Focusing on this Plastic Free July
It’s Plastic Free July again and whilst I’ve been focusing on reducing my waste for a while now, there are still lots of ways I can improve. Today I thought I’d share what I’m focusing on this Plastic Free July, and I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
The Problem with Polystyrene
Whilst it might seem like a useful multi-purpose product, today I want to talk about the problem with polystyrene for our planet. For such an innocuous looking, lightweight product polystyrene sure does pack an environmental punch! Thankfully there are some good alternatives these days!