Posts Tagged ‘save money’

7 Tips for Shopping in Bulk Buy Bins

Shopping in bulk buy bins can be a great way to both save money and reduce the amount of waste you create, but there are a few things to keep in mind to make the most of it. Today I wanted to share some of my top tips, and I’d love to hear your tips as well!


Eco Driving Tips

Today’s post on eco driving tips might seem like an odd one, but as I mentioned in my post last week on car-free living I know it’s not possible for everyone to go car-free, so instead I want to help you make your driving as eco-friendly as possible! What this really means is finding ways to use less petrol as you drive, reducing the emissions from your car and saving you money at the same time!


Meal Planning 101: Benefits of Meal Planning

For lots of us the start of a new year gives us hope of a more organised, less stressful year ahead. For me, meal planning is one of the really key ways to make sure I feel on top of what is going on, whilst also ensuring I eat balanced, nutritious meals (which is extra important after the holiday season!). Over the next few weeks I’m going to share a few posts on the basics of meal planning, starting with the big ‘why‘ – the benefits of meal planning.


How To: Cool Your Home for Summer

The weather is starting to heat up here in Australia so I thought it was about time I shared some tips to cool your home for summer without having to crank the air-conditioner, saving you money and reducing your impact on the planet. For those of you in the northern hemisphere, you might be better off with my winter warming tips instead!


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