Posts Tagged ‘sustainable living’

5 Winter Gardening Tips

Winter might not seem like the best time to get out and dirty in your garden, but there are still plenty of plants you can grow and lots you can do to help get it ready for the seasons ahead. Today I wanted to share my top 5 Winter gardening tips, and I’d love to hear what you’re doing in your garden at the moment as well!


Tips for Car Free Living

So, I’ve never actually owned a car. Sure, I borrowed my mum’s car when I lived at home, but that was for just a small amount of time as my mum sold the car to scrap and junk service as the car had got quite rustic, and at times I’ve babysat cars for friends of mine, but I’ve never had a car of my own. I didn’t always live in the most convenient locations either! So, my day-to-day existence is not reliant on having access to a set of wheels, but it’s really not as difficult as it sounds! I thought today I’d share some of my top tips for car free living, which clearly come from years of practice!


Homemade Air Fresheners

Nasty odours around the home are unfortunately a fact of life, particularly if you live in a houseful of kids or pets, but you don’t need to turn to synthetic fragrances to remove these scents – homemade air fresheners are easy, cheap and really do work!


Ingredients to Avoid: Palm Oil

It’s been a little while since my last post in the ingredients to avoid series, so I thought it was about time I put my detective hat on again and explored another ingredient that we should all be trying to avoid using. This time, I’m talking palm oil – what it is, what the problems are, how to identify it and what to choose instead!


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