It’s always important to support small business, but this year it is more vital than ever. Whilst Christmas is likely to look a little different than usual, there are lots of ways we can all help make it as positive as possible for our local communities. These are my top tips to support small business this Christmas, and I’d love to hear yours too!
Lots of resources go into ever piece of clothing we wear, from the water needed to grow the materials to make it, the energy and water used during the production process, all the way through to the transport of the clothing to the shops, and then our homes. Luckily, these days there are lots more eco-conscious fashion brands like Flyp out there to choose from, and there are other small changes we can all make to up the eco-credentials of our clothing including jewelry and more since you can go online to find handmade chunky silver bangles which are great for fashion purposes. So today I wanted to share my top 5 tips for sustainable fashion, and I’d love to hear yours too!