5 Tips for Sustainable Fashion

Lots of resources go into ever piece of clothing we wear, from the water needed to grow the materials to make it, the energy and water used during the production process, all the way through to the transport of the clothing to the shops, and then our homes. Luckily, these days there are lots more eco-conscious fashion brands like Flyp out there to choose from, and there are other small changes we can all make to up the eco-credentials of our clothing including jewelry and more since you can go online to find handmade chunky silver bangles which are great for fashion purposes. So today I wanted to share my top 5 tips for sustainable fashion, and I’d love to hear yours too!

5 Tips for Sustainable Fashion | I Spy Plum Pie

1. Buy Secondhand

One of the most environmentally friendly fashion choices you can make is to give clothes a second lease on life by purchasing secondhand, or vintage, clothing. Rummage through your wardrobe and find all that you can do away with. This avoids the clothes from ending up in landfill, and also reduces the amount of resources that need to be used to produce new clothing, which are both excellent outcomes. Not to mention you can often pick up some great bargains when shopping secondhand as well!

If you need some tips for making your op-shop outings more successful, then check out the post I did on that very topic!

2. Quality over Quantity

The move towards fast-fashion has resulted in clothing being churned out that is not expected to last all that long before it falls apart and gets tossed away. This obviously isn’t the most sustainable approach to fashion, so it’s good to take a less-is-more view and go for quality over quantity. This should mean you get a lot more wear out of everything you buy (particularly if you choose classic styles), which not only is likely to save you money in the long term, but will have a hugely positive impact on the planet too. Obviously it’s not always possible to spend up big on everything you need in your wardrobe (although buying secondhand helps!), so look at this as a long term goal, not something you have to achieve straight away!

The other environmental benefit of choosing quality items, and therefore buying less clothing in general, is that you are reducing the amount of resources required to fill our wardrobes. You don’t need to cut down to next-to-nothing though, just whatever is a realistic amount to suit your lifestyle, and be sure to donate or sell anything that you know you won’t wear anymore!

3. Natural Fibres Are Your Friend

Most synthetic fabrics are made from petrochemicals (although sometimes they are made out of recycled items like plastic bags, but they’ll always promote that fact!) which are harmful to the environment, and use non-renewable resources in their production. Choosing natural fibres like cotton, wool and bamboo, is an important part of any sustainable wardrobe as they are renewable resources, although not all are made equally. Cotton can use huge amounts of water to grow, as well as often being sprayed with high levels of pesticides, so where possible look for organic and rain-watered cotton options. Similarly, certified organic wool guarantees the sheep and the land they were raised on are treated in an environmentally and ethically sound manner. Choosing natural fibres over synthetic is an excellent first step though!

5 Tips for Sustainable Fashion | I Spy Plum Pie

4. Choose Locally Made, Fairtrade or Ethically Made

Locally made fashion is an excellent sustainable clothing choice as it doesn’t bring with it vast travel miles from having to be imported, plus it also supports small businesses and local artisans which have broader benefits as well. I find markets an excellent place to find local clothing makers, as well as amazing accessories and jewellery of course!

As much of today’s fashion is made in countries with less strict worker’s rights than here in Australia, it’s really important to look into where our clothes are coming from, and what conditions they are made under. One easy way to be sure the workers are being treated and paid fairly is to buy certified fairtrade clothing. This guarantees the clothing has been made in conditions that didn’t exploit the workers, making the clothing both environmentally and ethically more sustainable. I’ve talked about fairtrade before with regards to coffee, so you can read more about that right here if you’re interested!

If you want to check up on the ethics and sustainability of your favourite brands, then Good On You is the place to go – they have rated hundreds of brands including clothing and cosmetics, so it’s a fantastic resource.

5. Repurpose or Reuse

Another way to up the sustainability factor of your fashion is to repurpose and reuse clothing in any way you can. Adjust clothing that doesn’t fit properly anymore, or has gone out of style by re-tailoring them, cut old jeans into shorts, and when all else fails turn clothes that have run their course into rags to use around the home. If you end up with clothes you can’t repurpose yourself, or that no longer fits at all, the next best thing is to donate them to a local op-shop so someone else can give them a second-lease on life (which brings us back to point 1!).

That’s it! My top 5 tips for sustainable fashion! I’d love to hear your tips too!

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9 Comments on 5 Tips for Sustainable Fashion

  1. Hollie @ Alexie RicRac
    August 5, 2015 at 6:41 pm (10 years ago)

    I combine all five of these as much as I possibly can, but the other thing I do is make do and mend. I’m not really adept at sewing, but I do what I can. I’m going to take classes soon to make my own clothes (which is another great thing to do to keep your wardrobe sustainable), and hope that I will make most of them from repurposing and refashioning things such as good condition bed linens, or sourcing ethically produced fabrics and materials.
    Hollie @ Alexie RicRac recently posted…Vintage Wedding: Friday Finds #11

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      August 14, 2015 at 5:47 pm (9 years ago)

      Yes! Making your own clothes is definitely a sustainable option, I wish I could sew! I should do something about that…

  2. Shannon@ my2morrows
    August 8, 2015 at 8:55 pm (10 years ago)

    So many great tips here on things that we all need to think more about before we buy! My friends and I have a hand me down circle happening with our kids clothes. Such a great thing to do and really easy! Xx
    Shannon@ my2morrows recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #30

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      August 14, 2015 at 5:48 pm (9 years ago)

      That’s a great idea! Kids grow out of clothes so fast!

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      August 14, 2015 at 5:49 pm (9 years ago)

      Glad you found it helpful Malinda!

  3. Thomas@promotionalproductsaustralia
    September 9, 2015 at 6:44 pm (9 years ago)

    Buying a natural fiber is not better for people but it is also better for environment as synthetic fibers can be itchy. Cotton and bamboo are the best examples of natural fibers which make great clothes.

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      September 13, 2015 at 9:28 pm (9 years ago)

      Yep, I completely agree! They are so much nicer to wear!

  4. 7x Energy
    August 29, 2019 at 11:19 pm (5 years ago)

    Great tips! What do you think of H&M sustainable campaign? I think it’s just greenwashing!


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