I fancied something a little different for breakfast recently, and the result was these oatmeal stuffed baked apples. They’re warming, hearty and so delicious and look a little fancy too! A perfect option for this time of the year.

I fancied something a little different for breakfast recently, and the result was these oatmeal stuffed baked apples. They’re warming, hearty and so delicious and look a little fancy too! A perfect option for this time of the year.
I had some oranges in my fruit bowl that needed using so decided an orange flavoured dessert was in order. This orange almond self saucing pudding was the answer and it was a delicious one at that. So simple to make as well!
I needed to do some baking for work recently, and wanted to also try out something that might work for dessert during the silly season. This raspberry almond ricotta cake was the perfect answer. It’s creamy, delicious and super simple to make. Perfect!
This week’s recipe is actually care of my mum! She was baking this cherry coconut macaroon cake and I liked it so much I knew I had to share the recipe with you guys too. It’s much simpler than it looks, making it perfect for dessert or an afternoon tea. Delicious!
So somehow yesterday was my 6th blogiversary! Yep, that’s right, I Spy Plum Pie has been kicking around for six whole years now! At this time every year I like to share a plum-themed recipe, and this year I’ve got the recipe for this deliciously simple plum compote. As always, my mum’s plum trees were bursting at the seams, so this is an excellent recipe to use up some of those rather ripe plums I had in my fruit bowl.