Meat Free Mondays is a campaign that is gaining momentum across the world – promoting everyone to go one day a week without eating meat to help benefit both their own health and that of the planet. Obviously as a vegetarian it’s not something that I find hard to take part in, but today I wanted to share some information about the campaign and also some advice for people wanting to get involved, or trying to get others involved.
Vanuatu Adventures: Finding Vegetarian Food in Port Vila
Travelling to a tropical island as two vegetarians, we knew we were setting ourselves somewhat of a culinary challenge. Vanuatu is known for two things food wise – seafood (including coconut crabs, which don’t actually live in water!) and beef – neither of which were much help to us! We did a bit of research before we left but there was very little information available, so I thought I would share my experiences with you all in case it can be of any help to someone in the future!
Healthy Work Snacks
I’ve never been much of a snacker in the traditional sense – I rarely eat chocolate or chips or anything like that, but I do find myself needing something to help me through the work day at times so I thought I would share a few of my favourite healthy (or at least healthier!) snack choices that I take with me to work.
Pubs for Vegetarians: The Fox
As a vegetarian living in the inner suburbs of Melbourne it’s generally not too hard to find a good pub meal, so I thought I would start to share some of my favourite places to eat out for a casual, low-key, but still delicious meal – starting with the Fox Hotel!
Spotlight On: Loving Earth
Loving Earth are a Melbourne based company who are dedicated to providing organic, fair trade, sustainable products from small producers across the world. They sell super foods and raw chocolate, and their range is impressive – including butters and spreads, ancient superfoods like goji berries and maca powder, raw cacao products, fruit, nuts and seeds, and natural sweeteners.