With Plastic Free July in full swing I wanted to share some of the benefits of reducing plastic I have discovered in my life. Some of them are obvious – and why I started in the first place – but others are a little more obscure. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
As the tide (slowly!) starts turning towards more planet-friendly living many companies are trying to up their eco-credentials. Sometimes though, it’s done without any real basis. Today I want to talk about what it is, and how to spot greenwashing. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
Today I wanted to zero in on one of the areas in our homes that provides us with lots of opportunities for living a little greener – the bathroom! I’ve got a few easy changes you can make to create a more sustainable bathroom, and I’d love to hear your suggestions as well.
Lots of resources go into ever piece of clothing we wear, from the water needed to grow the materials to make it, the energy and water used during the production process, all the way through to the transport of the clothing to the shops, and then our homes. Luckily, these days there are lots more eco-conscious fashion brands like Flyp out there to choose from, and there are other small changes we can all make to up the eco-credentials of our clothing including jewelry and more since you can go online to find handmade chunky silver bangles which are great for fashion purposes. So today I wanted to share my top 5 tips for sustainable fashion, and I’d love to hear yours too!
It’s been a while since my last Balcony Garden post and there have been some successes (so much lettuce and coriander!) and some failures (not sure what happened to my oregano!) along the way. Now that Spring has arrived it was time to get serious with some new plants & some TLC for those that remain, as well as a new addition to my balcony garden – a freestanding vertical garden*!