Archive of ‘Recipes’ category

Recipe: Apple Loaf

Homemade baked treats are so good for the spirit, so I’ve been doing quite a bit of baking in lately! Thankfully I have a willing group of workmates who are always more than happy to help polish off anything I have whipped up, saving me from having to eat it all myself! This apple loaf was a firm favourite, perfect with a mid-morning cuppa and an excellent pick-me-up treat.


Recipe: Herby Israeli Couscous Salad

Israeli couscous is by far one of my favourite salad bases, it’s filling, slightly nutty in flavour and combines well with so many other ingredients. I first made this salad as part of a dinner for my folks and it was so well received I knew I wanted to whip it up again for some work lunches! So here it is, my herby Israeli couscous salad!


Recipe: Cauliflower Carrot Curry

It really has been curry central at ISPP HQ recently! Whenever I’m stuck for something to cook I find myself gravitating back towards curries so I decided to give in and just cook another one! This cauliflower carrot curry has the added bonus of having some awesome alliteration in the title which doesn’t really impact on the flavour but is fun nonetheless!


Recipe: Baked Lemon Cheesecake

Cheesecake isn’t something I make very often, but I had my folks over for dinner recently and my dad had mentioned he wanted a lemon cheesecake so lemon cheesecake for dessert it was! It was much easier than I remembered, you just have to be prepared so you have enough time for it to cool down properly. I decided to go a little fancy and made a balsamic strawberry sauce to pour on top, but it would still be delicious with just a sprinkling of icing sugar.


Recipe: Autumn Vegetable Stew

The end of daylight savings signalled the start of rather chilly evenings here in Melbourne so it was quickly time to pull out the warming dinner options. I spent ages trying to decide whether this recipe is a stew or a soup but really, at the end of the day I guess it doesn’t actually make all that much difference – all that matters is that it’s tasty! So, let’s call it an Autumn vegetable stew and get cooking!


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