Posts Tagged ‘activities’

Fun Winter Activities to do Inside | I Spy Plum Pie

Fun Winter Activities To Do Inside

As the cold weather descends on us and we still need to stay at home we need to find ways to entertain ourselves. Given we have already spent a fair amount of time at home in the last few months it might feel like there’s no more indoor things to do! Hopefully that’s not the case though, so here are some winter activities to do inside! I’d love to hear your ideas as well.


Why Hobbies Are Important | I Spy Plum Pie

Why Hobbies Are Important

As we get older the whole idea of having hobbies seems to somehow go out the window. We focus on other things and doing activities for the fun of it drops down the list of priorities. However, I have been focusing on trying to change that in my life! So today I thought I would talk about why I think hobbies are important. I’d love to hear your thoughts too!


Ideas for Screen Free Evening Activities | I Spy Plum Pie

Ideas for Screen Free Evening Activities

I’m not always the best sleeper, so I have been trying to have more screen free evening time. I always ensure the last hour or so before I go to bed is screen free, but screen free evenings are even better again. I thought I would share some of my favourite activities, and I’d love to hear your ideas as well!


7 Ways to Get Outside During Winter

It’s been an especially cold winter here in Melbourne so it’s tempting to spend all our free time rugged up on the couch, but getting fresh air is so important even when that air is decidedly cold! These are some of my favourite ways to get outside during winter, and I’d love to hear yours too!
