Posts Tagged ‘baking’

Spice Guide: Vanilla Beans | I Spy Plum Pie

Spice Guide: Vanilla Beans

This month’s Spice Guide is a bit of a different one, it’s all about vanilla beans! They are one of the more expensive ingredients but they really do make a difference, so let’s learn more about them and how best to use them!


Banana Date & Walnut Loaf | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Banana Date & Walnut Loaf

It’s been a while since I did some baking so when I found myself with some ripe bananas I decided to whip up this banana date & walnut loaf! It made the perfect weekend breakfast treat, and then the rest was shipped off to work to share with my colleagues!


Hazelnut Coffee Brownies | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Hazelnut Coffee Brownies

I got the urge to do some Sunday baking recently and knew that my new workmates would appreciate a sweet treat to kickstart their Monday, so whipped up these hazelnut coffee brownies! The combo of dark chocolate & coffee means they are guaranteed to make your morning an excellent one!


Recipe: Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Slice

After a long time without doing pretty much any baking I’ve gotten back into the swing of things lately and this raspberry white chocolate cheesecake slice is one of my new favourites! It’s so delicious plus it’s both easy to prepare and can be made in advance – how’s that for perfect!


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