Posts Tagged ‘compost’

Is Biodegradable Really a Better Option? | I Spy Plum Pie

Is Biodegradable Really A Better Option?

With reducing waste becoming more and more popular (yay!) we often hear that items or packaging are biodegradable. What’s not always clear though is what that really means, and whether it is actually better. Today I thought I would shed some light on all that, and I’d love your thoughts as well.


Compost Options for Apartment Dwellers

Now that I’ve moved into an apartment for the first time there are lots of things I have to learn how to do differently. Up until now I’ve been in houses with either compost bins or worm farms (or sometimes both!) in the backyard so we could easily dispose of any food scraps but I wasn’t sure what I could do in my apartment, so I set about doing some research and thought it might be a good idea to share!
