With Plastic Free July in full swing I wanted to share some of the benefits of reducing plastic I have discovered in my life. Some of them are obvious – and why I started in the first place – but others are a little more obscure. I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
The Problem With Helium Balloons
Today I want to explore the problem with helium balloons and what we can choose in their place. They might be pretty (and I spent a few years working in a party shop so I know them well!) but they are unfortunately having a huge impact on our environment.
My Favourite Eco Living Books
I love learning as much as I can about sustainability so I’ve been doing lots of reading recently, so today I thought I’d share my current favourite eco living books with you all, as well as those on my to-read-next list! I’d love to hear your favourites as well in the comments!
2015 Eco-Resolutions
Reducing my impact on the planet is something I think about a lot and whilst I know I’ve gotten better over the years there’s definitely still room for improvement! Like most people, some weeks I’m better than others, and I’m better at some elements than others, so this year I have decided to set myself some eco-resolutions! Resolutions are generally better met if they are committed to publicly, so I thought I’d share them with you all today!