Posts Tagged ‘recipe’

Recipe: Roast Capsicum Dip

This roast capsicum dip was part of my Vegan High Tea and was another bowl of simple, delicious snack food. I also got to try out the grill in my new apartment for the first time, and it’s the first time I’ve had a proper grill for a long time, so that was a nice change!


Recipe: Carrot, Ginger and Coconut Soup

This soup combines some of my favourite flavours, so it’s no surprise that it has fast become one of my favourite soups! I had meant to freeze most of it to enjoy on the cold winter nights ahead, but the whole first batch somehow disappeared so unfortunately I just had to whip up some more! My parents stopped by one Saturday around lunchtime and so played the role of taste testers and then wouldn’t leave until I promised to give them the recipe, it’s that tasty!


Recipe: Mushroom & Cabbage Wontons

Wontons (or dumplings) have been a firm favourite of mine for a very long time, and I have many a happy memory attached to them. Cheap nights of dumplings and wine with friends were a firm fixture of my early 20s, and whilst the dumplings then might not have been of the highest quality, we didn’t mind (that may have been due to the equally cheap wine!). I’ve also been lucky enough to eat dumplings in various parts of China, both when visiting my parents (they lived there in my early 20s for a few years) and on a study tour in my final year of uni.


Recipe: Curried Lentil Soup

Now, I know this soup might not be the prettiest, but I can guarantee it is much better to eat than it is to look at! It’s a deliciously hearty soup that is a complete meal in itself, and is perfect to stash away in the freezer for those cold, dreary winter nights when all you want to do is curl up with a bowl of soup and avoid the world outside. Luckily, this makes quite a lot of soup, so you should be able to eat some now, and pop some in the freezer for later!


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