What I Have Been Decluttering Lately

With all this time we’ve spending at home lately, it is no surprise that lots of people have been decluttering more than usual. I have been on a gradual decluttering journey for a while now and whilst things like my wardrobe get the declutter treatment regularly, there are a few spots that have been getting some closer attention lately. Today I thought I would share what I have been decluttering lately, in case you might find it inspiring too!

What I Have Been Decluttering Lately | I Spy Plum Pie

Paper Files

I found myself with such a large collection of paper files that I could basically no longer file anything properly anymore. That was a clear sign that it was time to have a thorough assessment of what needed to stay, and what could be disposed. What I found was a lot of documents that I definitely didn’t need to keep hard copies of anymore, as well as a very disorganised system for those that I did need to keep. The shredded got quite the workout and the files I do need are now accessible, organised and much, much neater.


With all this working from home I finally had to upgrade my desk to something that suited my needs. This gave me an excellent reason to go through not only the desk drawers, but all my office storage. I found cables for electronics I haven’t had for years, boxes, old pens, you name it. They all went, and I now have a much more functional, tidy working environment with easy access to the things I do need.

Storage Cage

Ok so this one is definitely a work in progress, but that’s ok! My storage cage is definitely one of those – out of sight, out of mind situations. Things just get put in there and very rarely leave until all of a sudden I can’t actually access the things I need! This may have to stay on my ‘what I have been decluttering lately’ list for a while before it is in what might get described as ‘good’ shape, but I know it will be worth it!


Another lockdown purchase I made was some new bookshelves for my home-office (also known as the spare bedroom!). Removing the old one was the perfect opportunity for me to properly assess everything that was on the bookshelves and work out what needed to stay, and what could go. There were some books that I just knew I wasn’t going to read again, so off they went in the donation pile. It was also a good chance to look at all the knick-knacks and other bits and pieces that had accumulated over the years – not many of them survived the declutter process!

Spare Room Cupboards

It’s safe to say it was my spare room that is where most of my decluttering focus has been! It wasn’t a room I spent a lot of time in pre-pandemic, but that certainly has changed. So, the cupboards had become the place where things that I otherwise didn’t know where to put them had gone to live. It wasn’t pretty. It had become the home for everything from my gift wrapping supplies, exercise equipment, spare blankets, puzzles – you name it. I have been working my way through different sections of the cupboards and while it’s not done yet, it’s definitely an improvement!

What have you been decluttering lately?

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