It’s January GoodnessMe Box review time! The first Box for 2022 was packed with both drinks and snacks – my favourite combination! The vegan box had a mix of brands that I have seen a few times in previous boxes as well as some completely new (to me at least!) brands which is the best part of a GoodnessMe Box subscription in my books. So, let’s see what was inside!
November GoodnessMe Box 2021 Review
It’s November GoodnessMe Box review time! The November vegan box was absolutely packed with goodies – it was one of the fullest boxes I have received in a while! A good combination of snacks and drinks too which is always a good thing. So, let’s see what was in the box shall we!
October GoodnessMe Box Review 2021
It’s October GoodnessMe Box time! This month’s box was full of snacks, drinks and other all kind of other goodies. An excellent combination all round! So, shall we see what was in the vegan version of the October GoodnessMe Box!?
September GoodnessMe Box Review 2021
Another month, another GoodnessMe Box review! The September GoodnessMe Box was a good mix of drinks, snacks and other goodies. As per usual I went with the vegan version of the both, so let’s see what was inside!
August GoodnessMe Box 2021 Review
It’s August GoodnessMe Box review time! This month’s box was themed as a refined sugar free box, but most importantly for me it was packed with delicious goodies! Snacks, drinks, things for cooking, all bases were covered. As usual I got the vegan version of the August GoodnessMe Box – let’s see what was inside shall we!