Posts Tagged ‘muffin’

Recipe: Banana Walnut Muffins

I found myself with a fruit bowl full of rather ripe bananas over the weekend and, as it was a little fresh to fancy a smoothie, muffins seemed like the obvious next choice. I wanted to keep them as healthy as possible so went light on the sugar content, and threw in some nuts and lots of cinnamon to ensure they are still full of flavour. The end result was these banana walnut muffins and they were the perfect treat for work during the week!


Recipe: Carrot Walnut & Raisin Muffins

A colleague brought in some carrot cupcakes to work recently and it reminded me that I hadn’t done any baking with carrots for a long time, and I do love me some carrot cake! I decided to go a slightly healthier route (removing the cream cheese icing helps!) and went with carrot muffins instead, which naturally called for the addition of walnuts and raisins.


Recipe: Apple-Berry Crumble Muffins

There’s something about adding a crumble top to muffins that makes them that much more delicious. The combination of soft, fluffy muffin and a crunchy top turns these simple muffins into something worth serving to friends for morning tea (if they last that long!). The best part is the crumble top is super simple so there’s no reason you couldn’t use it as on top of all your muffins! Unless of course you ate so much you got sick of it, that would be terrible! Maybe moderation is the key…


Recipe: Chocolate Easter Egg Muffins

I decided to try something a little different this Easter and bake some easter eggs inside muffins – hoping it would result in an oozy, delicious centre to the muffins and it did not disappoint! These lasted approximately 0.05 seconds from the oven, with my housemates happily taking on the task of taste-testers (and then going back for seconds!)
