I spoke earlier in the year about how I am listening to less podcasts these days, but it turns out things have changed somewhat! Now that I have lots more time on my hands I have been seeking out interesting, inspiring interview podcasts. For the most part these aren’t new podcasts, but they are my current favourites! I’d love to hear your recommendations for interview podcasts too.
Why I’m Listening To Less Podcasts
I was a relatively early joiner of the podcast bandwagon, and it’s safe to say I fully embraced them and was quickly listening to countless podcasts. Whilst it’s something that I still really enjoy, in recent times I have been scaling back for a few reasons. So, I thought I would share why I’m listening to less podcasts these days. I’d love to hear your thoughts too.
My Current Favourite Music Podcasts
I’ve shared lots of my favourite podcasts with you fine folk in the past, and I always love hearing your suggestions as well! I’ve been listening to lots of music podcasts lately so thought it was time I shared some recommendations here. As always, hit me up with your favourites too!
6 Podcasts for AFL Fans
My love for footy & podcasts are both well known round these parts, so it was time to combine them! Today I’m sharing my current favourite podcasts for AFL fans, and I’d love to hear your suggestions too!
8 Tips for a More Productive Commute
I’m very lucky to have a super short commute these days, but it hasn’t always been the case so today I wanted to share some tips for a more productive commute! The journey to and from work can feel like a frustrating waste of time, but give some of these ideas a try & you might soon change your mind!