I’m one of those people that eats breakfast almost the second I get up, I can’t really function until I have some food in my stomach. This probably stems from the fact I eat dinner pretty early (such a nanna!) so by 6.15 when my alarm sounds I’m definitely ready for a meal!
Recipe: Fig & Cinnamon Slice
My work is a big fan of morning and afternoon teas, it doesn’t take much for one to get organised and everyone is expected to bring something along to share. I much prefer going the homemade route but finding something new to make that will travel well (I walk to work) and satisfy the masses can be tricky! When I came across this recipe for fig & cinnamon slice in an old Sweet Food cookbook I knew I had to give it a try and let me tell you, I was fairly popular when I showed up to work the next day!
Recipe: Lime Slice
A colleague at work brought in a giant bag of limes recently, so I took home as many as I could carry and then pondered over what to make with them. I decided I should return them full circle, so made this lime slice that I then took in to work to share with my colleagues. Circle of life complete! Don’t be fooled by the fact the limes are yellow on the outside (and therefore the zest is yellow!), the insides were nice and green and had that delicious lime tang. In saying that, this slice would work just as well with lemons, or a combination of the the two!
Recipe: Apple Slice
I found myself with a pile of apples at home so decided I should turn them into something to share with my housemates. I ummed and ahhed for a while and eventually decided to make a batch of apple slice. I kept it light on the sugar front so the fruity flavour of the apple could be the star of the show, with the light pastry happily holding it all together. Despite the fact I’m not very confident with pastry (so I keep avoiding making it, thus remaining not confident making it!) this turned out really nicely and was a simple, delicious way to use a pile of apples.
Recipe: Coconut Lemon Slice
We had a work training day offsite this week and were required to bring along something to share for morning and afternoon tea to keep us going. I wanted to make something sweet, but not too sweet so decided on this lemon & coconut slice. There’s something about the combination of lemon and coconut that I just love! Although I call it a slice, it’s actually almost a cake due to its thick, doughy base, but either way it’s delicious and was very warmly received by my colleagues!