I don’t tend to set formal New Year’s resolutions, nor do I want to make a list of things that I want to achieve this year. Instead, I’m focusing on a few things I want to do more of in 2020 that I think will make for a fulfilling year. I’d love to hear your thoughts too.
Make Time for Hobbies
In some ways I already make time for one hobby in particular – this blog – but in 2020 I want to make sure I make time for more hobbies in my life. Things I do purely for the enjoyment of it, no matter how busy the rest of my life may be. I have already joined a choir that will kick off in early February, so I have made a start on this one!
Screen Free Activities in the Evening
This is something I really focussed on towards the end of the year as I wasn’t sleeping well and was looking for ways to help me unwind without the use of screens. It really helped, so I’m going to make it a focus of 2020 as well. More reading of physical books, doing puzzles and the like, and less mindless TV watching or internet browsing.
Read Regularly
This links nicely to the one above! I have been sporadic in my reading in recent years, going through periods of time where I read book after book, then nothing for months on end. So, this is an easy one for what I want to do more of in 2020! At this stage I don’t think a target of how many books I want to read will be helpful, because I want it to be more about consistency than numbers. I’m thinking re-joining my local library might be a necessary step to assist this goal as well!
Treat My Body Well
I started working with a trainer late last year and already feel much stronger as a result. I will continue to work with her in 2020, but want to also prioritise other ways of treating my body well at the same time. This means things like getting niggles treated more quickly, stretching more, getting more massages and getting in to a consistent rhythm with exercise more generally.
Try New Foods and Restaurants
It’s so easy for me to fall in to habits of cooking the same kinds of foods at home – looking at you curries and stir fries – and eat out at a handful of places near me. One thing I want to do more of in 2020 is to push myself to try cooking with new ingredients, and venture further afield when eating out. I’ve been lucky enough to eat lots of different cuisines over the years, but there’s always more out there!