Posts Tagged ‘recipe’

Recipe: Crunchy Noodle Tofu Salad

This recipe was inspired by a crunchy noodle salad B and I had whilst at Golden Plains festival again this year. I had eaten it on a previous visit to the festival but there was something about it this time that really grabbed us both, cementing its place as our favourite meal of the festival (which is no mean feat, there’s some amazing food there!). When I got home I decided I needed to try my hand at making something similar, and I’m pretty chuffed with the results!


Recipe: Mango, Peanut & Lime Sauce

Sometimes I find myself getting in a bit of a rut with sauces and marinades, with the same thing ending up on meal after meal. This happened again recently so I decided it was time to try something new and after seeing mangos on special at my local fruit & vegetable shop I knew exactly what I wanted to make!


Recipe: Black Bean & Quinoa Burgers

I’m a huge fan of black beans but they can be tricky to find in can form in Melbourne, so when my local grocer has them I stock up and then take great delight in cooking with them. One of the best parts of these burgers is they freeze well so I can whip up a batch and then keep my black bean obsession going even when I can’t find them in stock! Plus, they are delicious and healthy and taste just as good served with a side salad or in a traditional burger.


Recipe: Cashew Milk & Smoothies

I’ve been drinking nut milks for a year or two now, but I’d never gotten around to making my own. I decided that it was time to rectify this by making my first ever batch of cashew milk, and let me tell you I’m very sad I hadn’t tried it earlier – not only was it super simple to make but oh boy was it delicious. So so creamy.


Recipe: Chili Paste

Chili paste is one of those things that is so handy to have in the fridge, it can be added to so many dishes, from stir fries, to Mexican, pasta sauces and everything in between. Plus, you can add as much or as little as you want, allowing you to be in full control of the spice levels, which I think is always important!


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