Posts Tagged ‘tart’

Pea Leek Tart | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Pea Leek Tart

For Mother’s Day my mum wanted a home cooked lunch, but didn’t want anything too extravagant. I decided a pea leek tart was the answer, and it turned out a treat. It’s actually quite simple too, not to mention delicious!


Zucchini Haloumi Slice | I Spy Plum Pie

Recipe: Zucchini Haloumi Slice

I’m not a huge fan of sandwiches for work lunches and now that fresh salads aren’t hitting the spot quite so much I gave this zucchini haloumi slice a go and oh boy was it tasty! It’s filling, delicious and so easy to whip up, I think it’s going to become a staple in my kitchen!


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