It’s January GoodnessMe Box review time! The first box of 2020 was an excellent way to kick off the year. Lots of snacks and drinks which made me particularly happy. As per usual I went with the vegan option and I continue to love finding new brands and products to try! So let’s see what was in the January GoodnessMe Box!
Juice Plus
Whilst this is from a brand called Juice Plus, it was deliciously chocolately in flavour! I used the sachet to make a creamy, tasty smoothie with frozen banana, peanut butter and oat milk. It was seriously tasty, and blended up really nicely as well. I didn’t find it grainy or lumpy, so it was an excellent addition to my breakfast.
Pod Roasted Chickpeas
I do love a roasted chickpea, so I was excited to see this in the January GoodnessMe Box. It’s not a brand I had seen before, but I was very happy to give them a try. The garlic and salt flavour was right up my alley, and it was plenty delicious. These made for an excellent work snack and I’ll be keeping an eye out for more!
I don’t often use face wipes anymore as I have been focusing on cutting down on single use items, but I have some travel coming up that I know these will be handy for. So, I haven’t given them a try yet but as far as wipes go they do sound pretty excellent!
QI Tea
I don’t love the idea of products that describe themselves as slimming, when actually what they mean is de-bloating. So whilst that side of things meant these teas didn’t immediately jump at me from the January GoodnessMe Box, the teas themselves were super tasty. I have been getting back in to drinking more tea at work after I realised how much I had missed it!
Coconut Icys
I’m not going to lie, I do still love a zooper dooper, but I was excited to spot these in the January GoodnessMe Box to try. Having a sugar-free version made with coconut water definitely made these more hydrating and equally refreshing as the traditional version. These were really tasty – I particularly enjoyed the strawberry one – and I will be keeping an eye out for them to fill my freezer with!
Toscana Passata
I often keep a passata in my pantry to ensure I can whip up a quick and delicious dinner, so I was pretty keen to give this one a try! I love that it is made with just cherry tomatoes and salt, with no added preservatives or fillers. I used it as the base of a lentil bolognese and it was seriously tasty. I will have to check out some of the other options in the range now I think!
Rebel Coffee Mylk
I have tried these Rebel Kitchen products before and always enjoyed them, so I was very happy to spot this in the January GoodnessMe Box. It needed a very good shake to make sure the flavour was well dispersed, but that’s not too much to ask really! It was creamy, delicious and had a nice strong coffee flavour. I very much enjoyed having this as my Saturday morning coffee option!
Beetroot Latte
It hasn’t exactly been latte weather recently, so I gave this a go in my smoothies instead. I made sure to mix it up with some hot water first to help it blend smoothly which definitely helped. It has a strong, tasty beetroot flavour which I really enjoyed, not to mention a gorgeous colour. It’s a decent sized bag so I will be getting enjoyment from this for a while to come!
Coco Luxe
Last but not least is this coconut water! This was another item that found its way in to a smoothie, which seems to be a trend of the January GoodnessMe Box for me. It made for a really refreshing smoothie, perfect for the hot and humid weather we had over the month. I would be keen to give the citrus flavoured one a try too!