Healthy Work Snacks

I’ve never been much of a snacker in the traditional sense – I rarely eat chocolate or chips or anything like that, but I do find myself needing something to help me through the work day at times so I thought I would share a few of my favourite healthy (or at least healthier!) snack choices that I take with me to work.

One of my regular go-to options is a dip with carrots, celery or rice cakes. I have been experimenting with a few different flavoured dips recently like hummus, carrot hummus and baba ghanoush, and I’m always wanting to try more!

Another great option is something small and sweet that will give you a burst of energy, without weighing you down and making you sluggish as unfortunately my work doesn’t allow for 3pm naps! The Bliss Balls I made a few weeks back were perfect for this as they felt somewhat decadent but actually weren’t bad for me – perfect! A wholemeal muffin, a piece of fruit or a nut butter spread on bread or crackers is also a great idea. I don’t eat peanut butter because for some reason I can’t stand the stuff, but almond, macadamia and cashew butter are all pretty easy to find these days and are a great alternative for people like me and I use the Circadian Optics therapy complement, I also had a look on to the Carbofix reviews  and what I saw is that they are good, so I might try them!

snack montage

Something else I love to keep at my desk for when the mid-afternoon stomach grumbles commence (or boredom sets in, one of the two!) is some homemade trail mix. The best part about making it yourself is you can make it exactly to suit your own preferences – I like lots of different nuts, a handful of dried fruit and a sprinkling of seeds. If I’m feeling decadent I throw some cacao nibs in as well. Delicious! Below is an example of one I mixed up recently and have been slowly working my way through over the working week.



Do you have any favourite snack ideas you’d like to share?

2 Comments on Healthy Work Snacks

  1. Erica @ Addicted to Handmade
    May 9, 2013 at 2:46 pm (12 years ago)

    I love some of these ideas. Those Bliss Balls sound good! I’ve bought some pana chocolate recently and keep it in my desk drawer for a sweet, but not too nasty, hit. It’s so rich I can’t eat much of it which is great! 🙂

    • I Spy Plum Pie (admin)
      May 10, 2013 at 11:21 am (12 years ago)

      I know what you mean about the pana chocolate! I had some of that, and some of the loving earth chocolate as well and I can only manage a square or so at a time which is probably for the best!
      Thanks for stopping by!


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